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Customer Relationship Management

Building good partnerships is an important issue that FPCC has always been highly concerned about. We are constantly engaging in innovation and assist customers in obtaining high quality competitive products. We strive to become a trustworthy business partner of our customers that grows together with them. In order to strengthen customer relations, representatives from our business department will periodically visit customers and create interactive and timely communication channels that help include feedback from customers in our operations, and use the feedback to make future improvements.

Disclosure of Product Information

On the FPCC's official website (http://www.fpcc.com.tw/tc/products1.php), descriptions of specifications and safety data sheets of various oil products and the latest oil price information are available in the "Products and Services" section.

Customer Feedback and Management

To understand the precious opinions of our customers, we have defined specific procedures for customers to file complaints, return or exchange goods, and apply for compensation. Customers can express their opinions through the Customer Feedback Form, service hotline provided on our website, and e-mail. We will periodically summarize issues of concern to customers, and then classify and analyze the issues based on their importance and urgency. The priority of improvements that need to be made is determined on this basis. For complaints about products, sales representatives fill out the "Complaint Handling Form" and keep records of the handling status in the computer. With regard to channels for customers to express their opinions, we did not receive any customer complaints about privacy violation or data leakage in 2022.

Customer satisfaction survey

In order to enhance customer satisfaction, opinions about and suggestions for various products and services of FPCC are collected from customers. Meanwhile, to fulfill the commitment to quality of ISO 9001 and to demonstrate our emphasis on customer satisfaction, we will perform customer satisfaction survey at least once a year at present targeting domestic and international customers. The survey covers eight major domains, namely, product characteristics, product quality, product lead time, product price, service attitude, technical service, brand image, and overall satisfaction. Questions included in the survey will be modified as per issues of concern for customers. Revise issues that customers are concerned about.

The results of the 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey show that we received a score higher than "satisfied" in all aspects. FPCC will include the suggestions provided by customers into our operational policy in order to live up to the expectations of the general public.

Customer feedback

We attach great importance to the feedback of all customers. It is the greatest motivation for us to make progress. Besides strictly maintaining quality to provide high quality products, we are also developing employees' character and service attitude, transforming slogans into actual actions, so that customers will gain a satisfying experience through every interaction in the purchase process, and thereby build trust in our brand.